
    Personal Tendecies

    It is a criterial test that analyzes the personality traits that are influencing student’s learning


    Author: Isauro Blanco - Habilmind Team

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    What is the purpose of this test?

    This test is framed in the social-emotional factors, specifically in the analysis of personality traits that specifically influence the learning process.

  • Analyzed indicators

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    Pace of life

    ↔️ Slow life pace - Fast life pace

    📌 Specific Personal tendencies


    The rhythm of life refers to the time invested between the perception of a stimulus and the response we give. In today's culture, speed is overrated and equated with efficiency. However, the slowness of response has much to do with reflection and restraint in gathering the necessary information and processing it with greater awareness of cause and effect. The rhythm of life is normally conditioned by genetics (we are born fast or slow in our reactions) although it is possible to modify the rhythm with systematic work.

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    ↔️ Low or High emotion

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    This factor refers to the internal emotional response to an external stimulus; it has genetic components (personal intensity, temperament, neurological characteristics) that form the starting point for character education.


    Many social problems have their origin in uncontrolled and chaotic emotionality. At the other extreme, weak or diminished emotionality generates apathy, lack of motivation, and social distance.

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    Intellectual focus

    ↔️ Concrete realistic or abstract idealistic approach

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    The personality has in the intellectual approach another predominant factor. What a human being thinks is later translated into an emotion to end up in a conscious or unconscious behavior. The origin of the intellectual focus is genetic and it is later established by academic stimulation, both at home and at school. This factor functions as a filter to perceiving reality; the range of capture goes from a realistic-concrete appreciation where tangible data acquire greater weight and forcefulness in decision-making, to the idealistic-abstract approach that values reflection and a world of ideas more.

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    Social trend

    ↔️ Individualistic or Collective trend

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    As in the other factors of personal tendencies, there is no value judgment on the poles of social tendency, but a preference that always requires education and balance to obtain the best results in life. The poles of social tendency are individualistic or collective. This factor has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of learning. There are students who learn better alone than in a group; others, on the other hand, acquire greater skills when interacting with peers. A priori, there is no competitive advantage in any of these poles of social preference.

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    ↔️ Dependence - Self-sufficiency

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    The feature of autonomy refers to the ability to learn or work based on one's own individual criteria or rather the tendency to follow social norms and conventions, especially based on a principle of authority. At one pole is self-sufficiency, which is the natural inclination to act on one's own initiative with one's own time and rhythm on the conditions proposed by others. From childhood, one can see the independence with which a person acts and decides often ignoring established orders or procedures. This characteristic generates problems of obedience and the more submission is sought, the greater the insurrection.

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    ↔️ Introversion - Extroversion

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    The human personality has impulses to turn over its wealth, as well as an orientation of its psychic energy under the presentation of ideas, emotions or behaviors. We call this orientation the version.


    As in the previous factors, the version oscillates between two opposite poles that generate the personal dynamism and manifests itself in its internal sphere or towards the exterior. In this way, we will use the concepts of introversion or extraversion to explain this area of personal tendencies.

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    Level of Responsiveness

    ↔️ High - Low proactivity

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    The responsiveness factor marks the tendency of the human personality to confront unknown or difficult situations. The conditions or stimuli we face automatically activate an internal emotional environment of security or insecurity; this response, in turn, activates thoughts, feelings and behaviors consistent with the level of confidence experienced.

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    Adversity Coefficient

    ↔️ Low or High tolerance to effort and frustration

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    Unlike other factors of personal tendencies that have a neutral connotation, this is a necessary ingredient in people's education. Success in life is largely determined by the adversity coefficient; how a person faces problems and overcomes setbacks. It predicts effectiveness, motivation, creativity, productivity, learning, energy, hope, vitality, persistence and response to change.

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    Informative Vision

    ↔️ Analytical or Synthetic vision

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    The preferred way of capturing information has a decisive impact on personal trends because it operates as a filter that emphasizes or discards data. Problem analysis and decision making are the fields where this factor manifests its greatest impact. It also affects the use of time and the consideration of people's characteristics. The poles of the informative vision are the analytical and the synthetic; each one has different and sometimes opposite characteristics.

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    ↔️ Acceptance or Dominance

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    Assertiveness is the amount of psychic energy that we apply to control situations or people; this characteristic is fundamental to make the difference between hostility and submission, a characteristic that affects, above all, social relations, integration to groups and the intensity to face conflicts. Given that personal differences are constantly at play, it is necessary to know the behavioural springs that condition the possibility of taking control of one's own life without being manipulated or without manipulating others. This characteristic also affects the way a person relates to the environment: peer group influences, mass media, social trends, reactions to leadership.

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    Indoor environment

    ↔️ Relaxation or tension

    📌Specific Personal tendencies


    One of the factors that strongly affect behaviour and learning is the internal environment: the level of relaxation or tension with which one lives influences the approach to problems or the treatment of other people. The level of attention and learning is modified according to the internal environment; the same physical health is the result of this personal factor that contains genetic, family, cultural and environmental elements.


    Certainly, the calibration of the indoor environment is a fundamental learning process that affects the adequate investment of time and energy to solve problems or difficulties.

  • Why is this test important?

    For teachers

    The results obtained immediately after the application are a great advance for the teacher because it allows him/her to:

    • know their students quickly and objectively.
    • understand how personal tendencies affect the way students behave in class and with their classmates.
    • adjust their teaching activities to reach over their students.
    • reduce the level of disruption in the classroom
    • increase the level of motivation and attention from students.
    • make grouping in a more effective way.
    • decrease teacher burnout.

    For parents

    The families value very positively the interest of the school to get involved in the education of their children from an integrative perspective contemplating not only the academic area, but also the personal and social development.


    In addition, families can receive a report of results that helps them to know and understand their children better.

    For the management team

    The principal has complete information about the personal development and evolution of the students. The dashboard is very useful for the principal to:

    • make decisions regarding the most appropriate actions for the students
    • identify students' strengths and weaknesses
    • promote the integral development of students

    For counsellors and psychologists

    The school's counsellor has the possibility of quickly evaluating all the students and obtaining reports with information processed automatically and immediately; in order to know the most personal aspects that are influencing the students both at individual and group level. This information will allow the counsellor to:

    • support the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) with objective information.
    • provide staff with the most effective management strategies according to the characteristics of each group.
    • obtain information quickly to complete the psycho-pedagogical evaluation of the student, in order to know all the fields of the student's life.
    • know the personal characteristics of their students in order to put into practice the most appropriate measures for coexistence.
    • have a complete evaluation tool to facilitate the elaboration of the Guidance Council.
  • Documentation and practical details

    Foundations, manuals and evaluated areas of this test

    Specific information about this test

    Test duration:

    15 - 25 minutes


    ⚙️ Courses on which I can apply the test:

    From 9 years old (4th grade) to the last academic year.


    ♻️ When can I re-evaluate?

    It is recommended to wait at least one year.