

    Sociometric analysis of relationships between students to which we add a report on the status of different emotional indicators, such as empathy, assertiveness, emotional regulation.


    Author: Déborah Martín - UCM / UNIR

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    What is the purpose of this test?

    The objective of the Habilmind socioemotiogram is to carry out an analysis of the socio-emotional factors that influence learning. We know that these factors are determinant in the academic life of the student.


    The empathy, assertiveness and emotional regulation of each student directly affects the relationship with others. But what about their ability to work in a team or their ability when it comes to solving conflicts?


    It is also decisive to know the levels of integration of each student. There are some who are having a hard time and we must therefore identify them and help them.


    In a simple way, this test will allow you to understand your group and choose the best strategies to achieve harmony and to generate the best work environment.

  • Analysed indicators

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    📌Emotional Scale

    📋 Individual per student


    It is the awareness of the feelings, needs, concerns of others, and even the understanding of the physical and psychological situations that another person goes through without being able to verbalize it. It is the ability to give an adequate response to others through a deep understanding of one's emotional and cognitive world, while still distinguishing between one's own self and the self of others.

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    📌 Emotional Scale

    📋 Individual per student


    The concept was first proposed by Wolpe (1958) and later by Alberti and Emmons (1970), who understand it as: the behaviour that fosters equality in human relations, allowing us to act in defence of our own interests, to defend ourselves without unjustified anxiety, to express our feelings sincerely and pleasantly and to put into practice our personal rights respecting the rights of others.

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    Conflict resolution

    📌 Emotional Scale

    📋 Individual per student


    Conflict is inherent in nature and occurs in all areas of its development. If, when a conflict appears we know how to redirect it and we know how to analyse what causes it, we are in a moment of personal development. Now, when the conflict appears, what response do we give? This subscale refers to "the passage from a painful emotional state, produced by opposing and contradictory desires or interests, to a state of well-being and tranquillity on the part of all those previously involved in the conflict situation" (Repetto, 2007).

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    Interpersonal emotional regulation

    📌 Emotional Scale

    📋 Individual per student


    It refers to the ability to properly manage the emotions of the people around us. It is proven that we try to change the emotional state of the people around us, either so that they feel better (before a loss, a displeasure), or so that they feel worse. In short, it consists of not allowing ourselves to be carried away by the first emotional impulses, because we are aware of the personal and social consequences that would have to accommodate the impulse.

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    📌 Emotional Scale

    📋 Individual per student


    It involves taking advantage of collective talent, produced by each person in their interplay with the others.


    The development of teamwork is a spiral process, the effectiveness of which depends on the extent to which the group also contributes to the personal development of its members.

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    Cohesion of the group

    📌 Social Interactions

    📋At group level


    The concept of cohesion describes those processes that contribute to a group's members remaining united. In other words, cohesion exists when the system of interrelationships that works among its members keeps them satisfactorily linked to the group.

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    Group influence

    📌Social Interactions

    📋 At group level


    A member of the group, or a minority, can exert great influence on the group. Sometimes the influence can be creative and constructive and at other times the influence may be due to fear, submission, etc. In the results of the test we will be able to observe who or those who exert influence in the group without determining its aetiology.

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    Group rejection

    📌Social Interactions

    📋 At group level


    The rejected member of a group suffers the consequences of rejection that may be eroding their self-esteem, confidence and motivation to learn from the group and achieve good academic performance. We can observe students who are directly rejected by others.

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    Group integration

    📌 Social Interactions

    📋 At group level


    It can be said that a student is "integrated" in the classroom when he/she maintains a network of interrelations with the rest and generates a feeling of dependence on it.

  • UNIR Openclass on this test

    José Fernando Calderero, Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja and Déborah Martín, author of the test.

  • I've already applied the test. What now?

    Now it's time to review the results and carry out the actions based on them.


    We'll help you with that

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    Access group results

    Once you access the platform, access the test and follow the instructions in the image.

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    Analyze the emociogram: the bubble chart

    Answer the questions:

    • Which indicator would need more intervention? In this case AS (assertiveness), since 15 students have a low level. Also EM (empathy) with 11 students.

    • Which students could be more problematic to work in a team? You will find it useful to know which students have a low level of teamwork. If you want to make balanced work groups you might find it interesting to have these students located.

    • Would it be interesting to implement a workshop to improve the low indicators? Habilmind has Emotional Mind, a program focused on intervention on these indicators.

    • Which students might be presenting lower overall indicators of each of these pro-social skills? We propose that you identify them and relate their results to other aspects that we measure in Habilmind. For example, with the Sociogram which you will see below, or with the academic results or intellectual abilities.

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    Analyzes the summarization chart

    This graph shows the need for intervention to improve the integration of students with lower levels.

    • Who are they? Identifies them. Discuss the situation with other teachers.

    • Why are they having this problem? This same test can give you data about it, but your own perception and that of other teachers who have had these students in their classes will allow you to have an overview.

    • Could this problem affect students' academic results? In a significant percentage of cases, the answer is that this type of situation negatively affects the student's performance.

    • What can I do to help their integration? The integration of these should be a priority of the school, so we suggest the use of programs and workshops to improve social-emotional aspects.

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    Level of group cohesion

    The concept of cohesion describes those processes that contribute to a group's members remaining united. In other words, cohesion exists when the system of interrelationships that works among its members keeps them satisfactorily linked to the group.


    The objective is to improve group cohesion through strategies related to integration, the development of pro-social skills and conflict resolution, among others.

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    Access the group recommendations report


    It is very simple, in the menu on the left you will find an option called "recommendations".


    You can print or send the recommendations to the teachers. You can also organize a group meeting with them for:

    • Expose the results of the test.
    • Analyze the situation of the most problematic students.
    • Establish strategies to improve the social-emotional indicators of the group.

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    The sociograms

    You have three different views to see the results of the sociograms. We invite you to explore them


    • Pie Chart
    • Node graphic
    • Complete table

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    A. Pie Chart

    Here are two charts:

    • Influences: students influenced by the selected student.
    • The one of rejections: students who reject the selected one.

    The table below allows you to get more information:

    1. Classmates influenced by the selected student

    2. Classmates who reject the selected one

    3. Classmates who influence the selected one

    4. Classmates rejected by the selected one

    📖Book: Intellectual Influence or rejection
    ♥️Heart: Influence or affective rejection
    ⚽️Ball: Influence or rejection at the leisure level

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    B. Node graphic

    Another view of the same results.


    The side column allows you to expand information and the types of influence or rejection:

    1. Classmates influenced by the selected student

    2. Classmates who reject the selected one

    3. Classmates who influence the selected one

    4. Classmates rejected by the selected one

    📖Book: Intellectual Influence or rejection
    ♥️Heart: Influence or affective rejection
    ⚽️Ball: Influence or rejection at the leisure level

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    C. Complete table

    With the table you will be able to access the complete information of the results of the group. Ideal if you want to have the information "offline".

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    Access individual reports

    First click on "results dashboard" and then select the student (where it says "ver").

    Once selected click on the blue button that says see results!


    Not having developed levels of the indicators we measure in the test can have serious consequences throughout the life, not only regarding the academic.

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    Parent Delivery

    The individual report is prepared to be given to the parents and can serve as a statement of the needs for improvement that we propose.

    IMPORTANT: It should be noted that in the individual report we do not collect data on integration or relationship with others. Only and exclusively what the student has answered about himself. The rest of the data is confidential and should not be given to the parents.

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    Delivery strategy

    However, the school must set the strategy for the delivery or not of these reports to the parents, with the following possibilities:

    • Do not give to any parent
    • Delivery only in some cases, either in person, sent by email or access to the platform.
    • Delivery to all parents.

  • Why is this test important?

    For teachers

    The teacher has very valuable information on how social relationships have been established in his group of students in order to:


    • Be able to influence an improvement of the climate of coexistence.
    • Prevent potential situations of school harassment.
    • Carry out grouping with useful and objective information in order to make them more effective.
    • Initiate mediation measures with high value information (level of integration of each of the students in the group, level of cohesion, development of the emotional competences of each of the students).
    • Plan the tutoring sessions according to the needs detected at social and group level.
    • Improve the academic performance of the students, avoiding that the problems of relationship between peers suppose an obstacle in their attention and concentration.

    For parents

    For families this test implies "tranquility"...

    • Peace of mind that the school has a system of control tools to detect risk situations.
    • Peace of mind that the centre they have chosen for their children is concerned with integral and personal development.
    • Peace of mind that it is a school committed to coexistence.

    In addition, families receive a personalised report adapted to the evolutionary stage in which their children find themselves on how they are developing social-emotional skills (empathy, assertiveness, interpersonal emotional regulation, teamwork and conflict resolution) and how they can influence their improvement from home.

    For the management team

    The director has a monitoring panel in his centre to guarantee, support and give visibility to his actions in his coexistence plan with the aim of:

    • Having a real impact on the improvement of coexistence
    • Preventing bullying
    • Influencing the integral development of its students
    • Having an objective support on their good work in the matter of coexistence

    For counsellors and psychologists

    Historically the counsellors have invested many hours in the application and correction of sociometric analysis. With our Socio-emociogram this manual and arduous work is part of the past. Now it can be done quickly and efficiently, obtaining results and reports fully automatically to:

    • Influence on the improvement of the coexistence of the centre
    • Prevent bullying
    • Support the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) with objective information
    • Get to know the students in an integral way, thus facilitating the evaluation process.
    • Have an objective support on their good work in the matter of coexistence
  • Documentation and practical details

    Foundations, manuals and evaluated areas of this test

    • Basis and theoretical explanation: see more
    • Application manual: see more
    • Reports and results: see more
    • Explanatory videos about interpretation of results: see more
    • Script for the interpretation of results: see more 
    • How do we minimize social desirability in the Socioemociogram?see more

    Specific information about this test

    Test duration time:

    Sociogram (1° to 3° grade) 5-10 min.

    Socio-emociogram (4º grade to the last academic year) 10 - 20 min.


    ⚙️ Courses on which I can apply the test:

    From 6 years old (First grade) to the last academic year


    ♻️ When can I re-evaluate?

    Annually. It can even be applied at the beginning and at the end of the course.